Water for Bees
Bees gets their main nutrients from nectar and pollen, but they also need water to drink. They use water to help them cool, cool the hive, dilute honey, and feed the larvae.
Providing water for the bees in your garden is a simple yet impactful way to support them.
So I’ve put a few tips together on how to create a bee-friendly water source in your garden:
Bees are not strong swimmers, so they need shallow containers with water, with safe landing spaces for the bees to land. So add in objects like twigs or pebbles in to the bee water bowls.
Bees prefer clean water, so make sure to change the water regularly to prevent the growth of algae or other contaminants. Rinse the container and refill it with fresh water every few days.
Place the water bowl in a location that is easily accessible to bees. Such as near flowering plants, so the bees can visit both flowers and the water sources easily.
Bees can benefit from the minerals that are present in water. You can help ass minerals tot he water by placing a few small pebbles, soil or rusted iron in to the water.
Be mindful of the use of pesticides or chemicals in your garden, as these can contaminate the water and harm the bees.
Having multiple water sources for the Bees in your garden helps prevent overcrowding and ensures that all bees have access to water when they need it.
Adding Bee Water Stations into your garden you contribute to the well-being of bees, which will in turn supports the overall health of your garden.