Water Catcher Set with a natural Rust Finish
The Water Catcher Sculpture with river pebbles included.
These water catchers will arrive without a rust finish, they will rust naturally ovee time when placed outdoors.
The water catchers create a beautiful feature for the garden adding structure and height to any flower bed, and creating interest over the winter months when plants go into hibernation.
The water catchers are also great for keeping the wildlife hydrated in your garden and are an Ideal way to add water to a wildlife-friendly garden. Add a handful of Pebbles to each water cup to keep pollinators safe well they drink.
- they also make perfect bird baths or bird feeders too and can be kept clean and wiped down using a soft cloth.
The water catcher set has three cups of different sizes and each comes as induvial spikes 82cm tall, which can be installed very easily by pushing them down into the ground to the desired height and form.
The rain catchers can be placed together in a cluster or spread through a flower bed, or lawn.
Tessa creates each garden sculpture individually by
hand from her workshop in Wales.
The materials used are from the UK and local suppliers where possible.
All packaging is recyclable and uses cardboard and paper only.
Water Catcher Set with a natural Rust Finish
The Water Catcher Sculpture with river pebbles included.
These water catchers will arrive without a rust finish, they will rust naturally ovee time when placed outdoors.
The water catchers create a beautiful feature for the garden adding structure and height to any flower bed, and creating interest over the winter months when plants go into hibernation.
The water catchers are also great for keeping the wildlife hydrated in your garden and are an Ideal way to add water to a wildlife-friendly garden. Add a handful of Pebbles to each water cup to keep pollinators safe well they drink.
- they also make perfect bird baths or bird feeders too and can be kept clean and wiped down using a soft cloth.
The water catcher set has three cups of different sizes and each comes as induvial spikes 82cm tall, which can be installed very easily by pushing them down into the ground to the desired height and form.
The rain catchers can be placed together in a cluster or spread through a flower bed, or lawn.
Tessa creates each garden sculpture individually by
hand from her workshop in Wales.
The materials used are from the UK and local suppliers where possible.
All packaging is recyclable and uses cardboard and paper only.